List of past sermons.
March 23rd, 2025Third Sunday in Lent Scripture Readings 3/23/25 – Isaiah 55:1-9, Luke 13:1-9 Sermon – Rev. Dr. Britni Johnson Sunday March 26th, 2025: Please join for our weekly lent service hosted by St. Mark UMC guest speaker Rev. Dr Angela Kitrell and choir from Wison UMC. Service starts at 7:00pm.
Sunday, December 129, 2024First Sunday after Christmas Day Scripture Readings 12/29/24 – Psalm 148, Luke 2:41 -52 Sermon …………………………Minister Darren Logan“The Light From Within”Genesis 1:1-5 KJV
Sunday, December 22, 2024Fourth Sunday of Advent Scripture Readings 12/22/24 – Micah 5:2–5, Luke 1:39–45
Sunday, December 1, 2024First Sunday of Advent Scripture Readings 12/1/24 – Psalm 25:1–10, Luke 21:25–36 “Blessed By the Best”Sermon ……………. Rev. Walter L. Smith, Jr.
Sunday, November 17, 2024Twenty-Sixth Sunday After PentecostDiabetes Awareness MonthAnnual Women’s DayWOMEN OF GOD, Walking by Faith Scripture Readings 11/17/24 – Psalm 119:105–112, 2 Corinthians 5:1–10 Sermon ………………. Rev. Jenifer Renée Butler“Faith Just Makes Sense!”7 For we live by faith, not by sight. (2 Corinthians 5:7)
United States Army,Marines and NavyHappy Veteran’s Day Sunday, November 10, 2024Twenty-Fifth Sunday After PentecostDiabetes Awareness Month Scripture Readings 11/10/24 – Psalm 127, Mark 12:38–44 Sermon ………….. Rev. Walter L. Smith, Jr.“Get Your House in Order”
Sunday, November 3, 2024Twenty-Fourth Sunday After PentecostDiabetes Awareness MonthAll Saints Sunday Scripture Readings 11/3/24 – Psalm 24, John 11:32–44 Sermon …… Rev. Walter L. Smith, Jr.“Life Beyond the Grave!”
134th Church Anniversary“The Race Set Before Us! (Hebrews 12:1–2)Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost Scripture Readings 10/20/24 – Job 38:1–7, Mark 10:35–45 Sermon …………………………………. Minister Nena HughesSt. Mark’s United Methodist Church“The Race Set Before Us”Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin…
Sunday, October 13, 2024Twenty-first Sunday After Pentecost Scripture Readings – 10/13/24 Psalm 22:1–15, Mark 10:17–31
Sunday, October 6, 2024Twentieth Sunday After PentecostWorld Communion SundayBreast Cancer Awareness MonthDomestic Violence Awareness Month Scripture Readings 10/6/24 – Job 1:1, 2:1–10, Mark 10:2–16 Sermon …………. Rev. Walter L. Smith, Jr.“The Blood Still Works”