Sunday, March 14th (10:00 a.m.) — Annual Men’s Day. Speaker of the hour:Rev. Eric W. King, I, Pastor, Goshen United Methodist Church. Additionalinformation forthcoming. Sacrificial donation: $125 (Men); $50 (Women). Eric Wellington. King, is a prophetic messenger, passionate leader, social activist, and educator engaged in preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ, and committed to empowering…
Wednesday, February 17th (7:00 p.m.) — Ash Wednesday service Attached with Zoom Information. Time: February 17, 2021 7:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 862 9693 2671Password: CHURCH
Saturday, February 6th (11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.) — Communion elements will bepassed out in the church parking lot. Please remember to follow social distancingrules.
Thank You,It has been said that Advent and the Christmas Season is a time for reflecting on the world as it is and as it might be with the coming of the Messiah. It is a time for longing and hope. we hope and pray for a world and our nation, to be reconciled, vaccinated…
Sunday, December 20th (10:00 a.m.) — Annual Christmas Service. Join us for a virtual play — “Light Before Christmas”
Sunday, November 15th — Annual Women’s Day. Our morning preacher will be Elder PaulaSimms, Deliverance Free Will Baptist Church. For unity, we are asking all women to wear Fallcolors and to make a sacrificial offering of $100.
Saturday, November 14th (10:00 a.m.) — Virtual Prayer Breakfast. Our morning preacherwill be Rev. Vera Mitchell, Retired Elder, Pastor, Mt. Washington-Aldersgate United MethodistChurch
Saturday, October 31st (11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.) — Communion packets will be distributed onthe church parking lot, please observe all protocols (i.e. wear masks and remain in your vehicle).Prayers of concern for the world, nation and upcoming General election will be offered at noon.
On Saturday, October 3rd (10:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m., weathering permitting) — Rev.Matthews along with the help of some team members will greet you on the churchparking lot where you can receive a communion packet to use for WorldCommunion Sunday (October 4th) and a special gift that Rev. Matthews hasobtained for each member of our congregation. Note:…
Join us on Sunday, October 18th to celebrate our — 130th Church Anniversary. Speaker will be Rev. George F. DeFord. Sacrificial donation of $1.00 for each year.