Church News (Page 8)

New Years Eve Service

Friday, December 31st (7:00 p.m.) — Zoom New Year’s Eve service. JoinZoom Meeting ID: 852 4136 8305Passcode: ChurchDial In: +13017158592Meeting ID: 852 4136 8305Password: 493183

Men’s Bible Study

Tuesday, November 16th (7:00 p.m.) — Men’s Bible Study. Session 7: Survey of Various Letters Tuesday, November 9th (7:00 p.m.) — Men’s Bible Study. Session 6: Survey of the Book of History: The Acts of the Apostles. Tuesday, November 2nd (7:00 p.m.) — Men’s Bible Study. Session 5: Introduction to the New Testament: The Gospels.…

Homecoming Sunday – Sept. 26

Sunday September 26th (10:00 a.m.) — Annual Homecoming Sunday includingfellowship and other activities will take place. “God of the Past, God of the Present, and God of the Future”.Rev. Dr. George F. DeFord We are asking for a special Homecoming offering to be given by each member. A meal will be provided for all members,…

Updated Sunday online info

We have updated the ongoing zoom info for Sunday online service. Please se this   Every week on Sun, @ 10 am UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE, SERVICE THROUGH ZOOM WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE. Two Options For Joining Service: Option 1: Come to the sanctuary. Option 2: If you want a full-service experience, you are advised to…

In Person Sunday Worship (Aug. 1, 2021)

Sunday, August 1st (10:00 a.m.) — We will be re-entering the sanctuary formorning service. Please remember that all Covid-19 protocols will be in place. Allmembers who can, are being asked to enter the sanctuary through the front doors.The bulletin, communion elements and the giving basket will be there. Theseprecautions are being taken to eliminate physical…

Out Door Service (July 4, 2021)

Sunday, July 4th (10:00 a.m.) — Outdoor Worship. If you will not be attendingthis service, Communion elements will be distributed in the church parking loton Saturday, July 3rd from 11:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. Please bring a chair.

Out-Door Service (June 6, 2021)

ATTENTION: Plans are being made to hold our first in-person OUT-DOORWorship Service at St. Mark’s UMC on Sunday, June 6, 2021 at 10:00 a.m.,baring inclement weather. Members are requested to call or e-mail the churchoffice to register in preparation for the service. Communion elements will bedistributed on Saturday, June 5, 2021 (11:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.) for…